CS majors Fall 2024
811%Percentage of growth in number of Comp Sci undergrads in the last 10 years
$128KAverage starting salary for graduates of the Professional Master’s Program
CS News
Paris Koutris’ award-winning research addresses the “fundamental problem” of database theory
At the 2023 and 2024 Symposiums on Principles of Database Systems, Koutris received a string of awards for his groundbreaking research on join processing.
Jelena Diakonikolas receives NSF CAREER Award
By applying optimization methods to machine learning tasks, Diakonikolas is “creating the theory from the bottom up.”
CS professor Paul Barford chosen for 2025 Distinguished Teaching Award
Paul Barford is one of just twelve faculty members to receive a Distinguished Teaching Award, an honor recognizing some of the University of Wisconsin-Madison's finest educators.
UW-Madison faculty makes impressive showing at NeurIPS 2024
NeurIPS, the Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems, is one of the most prestigious conferences in artificial intelligence (AI), held each year in December. This year, Computer Sciences department faculty at the University of Wisconsin-Madison had …
- February
- February 12
- February 12
- February 13Talk: Building the Tools to Program a Quantum ComputerCharles Yuan: Ph.D. Candidate, MIT CSAIL 12:00 PM, 1240 Computer Sciences
- February 13
- February 14Talk: Property-Based Testing for the PeopleHarry Goldstein: Victor Basili Postdoc, University of Maryland, and (joint) Postdoc, University of Pennsylvania12:00 PM, 1240 Computer Sciences
Good news provided by CS faculty:
(gathered by former Chair Remzi Arpaci-Dusseau)
November 2024:
- Prof Patrick McDaniel and colleagues won the ACSAC 2024 Test of Time Award, for their work on “Semantically Rich Application-Centric Security in Android”. [1]
- Prof Dieter van Melkebeek once again led six teams to great success in the regional round of this year’s International Collegiate Programming Contest (ICPC); they finished in 1st, 4th, 7th, 8th, 10th, and 20th place among nearly one hundred teams in the region. [2]
- Prof Fred Sala and his group had the following four papers accepted at NeurIPS, including one which received the Spotlight designation: “The AlCHEmist: Automated Labeling 500x CHEaper than LLM Data Annotators (Spotlight)”, “OTTER: Effortless Label Distribution Adaptation of Zero-shot Models”, “Stronger Than You Think: Benchmarking Weak Supervision on Realistic Tasks”, and “Pearls from Pebbles: Improved Confidence Functions for Auto-labeling”. [3]
- Prof Sharon Li gave a talk entitled “Steering Large Language Models by Human Preferences” at the UW-Madison Center for the Humanities. [4]
- Prof Bart Miller had an article written about his impact at Supercomputing entitled “Three Chairs and a Research Booth: How One PhD Advisor Shaped the SC Committee”. [5]
- Prof Bart Miller, working with Justin Hines, set up a pioneering engagement between our department and Apple. [6]
- UW students (including the UPL and others) organized MadHacks, an amazing hackathon hosted in our department, now annually. [7]
- Prof Manolis Vlatakis and colleagues had the paper “Contracting with a Learning Agent” accepted into NeurIPS 2024. [8]
- Prof Ming Liu had a PRIME grant on “EFabric” funded by D2P. [9]
- Prof Patrick McDaniel gave a Distinguished Lecture at UIUC entitled “”Adversarial Machine Learning: A 10-year Perspective”. [10]
- Prof Matt Sinclair gave an invited keynote at CAMS entitled “Reducing the GAP: Improving the Fidelity and Scalability of gem5’s GPU Models”. [11]
- Prof Rishab Goyal had two publications at the upcoming Asiacrypt: “Non-interactive Blind Signatures: Post-quantum and Stronger Security” and “Leakage-Resilient Incompressible Cryptography: Constructions and Barriers”. [12]