Make a Gift

Alumni and friends of the UW–Madison Department of Computer Sciences are justifiably proud for many reasons, including the department’s track record of cutting-edge research; creative, motivated students who go on to make important contributions in both the private sector and academia; and innovative outreach programs, so more kids gain exposure to computing—and perhaps even begin to envision a future in computing for themselves.

Simply put, as one of the first and most respected computer science departments in the country, we are proud of this place, and we hope you are, too! But as state and federal sources of support for the university shrink, private support plays an increasingly critical role in maintaining our level of excellence. Your gift, of any size, will help us remain a top department for the next half-century—and beyond! Gifts to CS support things like:

  • Scholarships for outstanding undergraduates and top recruits to the graduate program
  • Summer research assistantships
  • Graduate fellowships for PhD students
  • Faculty recruitment in critical areas
  • Distinguished lectures and other extracurricular learning opportunities

When making a gift, please check if your employer matches donations. We are grateful for your support. Thank you for considering a gift to UW–Madison Computer Sciences!


When you click on the button above, you’ll be taken to the University of Wisconsin Foundation website. The Foundation is “the official fundraising and gift-receiving organization for the University of Wisconsin–Madison.”

The CS Annual Fund is automatically filled in for you on that page. The Annual Fund may not seem exciting, but it excites us! With your donation, we can put your money to work in the area of most need within the department – to any of the causes listed above. You are free to choose another fund to donate to by entering a search term in the “Find Your Cause” field on the donation page. If your heart lies in a particular area, and you feel strongly about donating to that specific fund, please do! We are deeply appreciative of any donation in any amount to any CS cause. But we encourage you to consider leaving the default Annual Fund selection so we can apply the last $100 we need to bring in that computer scientist who’s at the top of her field as a distinguished lecturer or to help an undergraduate finish his degree. The Annual Fund allows us to make those choices. Thank you!


Camille Robert-Quakkelaar
Director of Development, Computer Sciences
University of Wisconsin Foundation
1848 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53726-4090
(608) 590-7062

Nick Jaeger
Director of Development, School of Computer, Data & Information Sciences
University of Wisconsin Foundation
1848 University Ave.
Madison, WI 53726-4090
(608) 572-2003

Stephen Wright
Chair and Professor
Department of Computer Sciences
1210 W. Dayton St.
Madison, WI, 53706-1613