Job title: Student/Recent Graduate Contract Developer
Employer: US Geological Survey
Location: Madison, WI or remote
Deadline: 1/18/24
How to apply:
Please view the requirements for individual job listings on our site before submitting an application. To apply, please send a resume and cover letter addressed to WIM to with the subject line “Student/Recent Grad Contract Application” by 11:55pm on Thursday, January 18th. If applying to multiple positions, please submit a single resume and individual cover letters for each position (your cover letters can be similar – we will have different hiring teams reviewing for each position!) Please make sure to indicate which positions you are applying for in your email.
Qualifications and requirements:
Please view individual job listings on our site for desired skills and experience. To be eligible, applicants must be:
- Current undergraduate or graduate student (must be at least ½ time) OR recent graduate (last 12 months) of an accredited institution
- US Citizen, or current US resident eligible to work and having continuously resided in the US for minimum 3 years
Job description:
Web Informatics and Mapping (WIM) is a group of about twenty (mostly) developers, located across the United States. We come from a wide variety of academic, professional, and personal backgrounds, and combine our collective expertise in cartography, GIS, earth sciences, and software development to build practical and innovative custom products to meet our cooperators’ needs. Most of our projects revolve around developing web-based tools that support USGS science and other federal science initiatives, and range from full-featured database mapping applications to limited scope data visualizations.
Most positions are intended to be full-time for summer of 2024. All positions are paid (rates dependent on location and level of education) and remote-eligible, with preference for candidates in the Madison, WI; Twin Cities, MN; and Washington, DC metro areas to co-locate with our team’s main offices. For more information on the specific projects, skills and requirements, and instructions to apply, please see the listings on our website: