14th International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals (due March 15th)

Organization: 14th International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals

Deadline: Extended to March 15th, 2019

July 13 – 16, 2019, New York / USA
Chair: Prof. Dr. Petra Perner
Institute of Computer Vision and applied Computer Sciences, IBaI Leipzig/Germany

Aim of the Conference:

The International Conference on Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals MDA with Applications in Medicine, r/g/b Biotechnology, Food Industries and Dietetics, Biometry, Agriculture, Drug Discovery, and System Biology is held on yearly basis. The topics of the conference are not limited. The list of topics above only shows the high-lights of nowadays topics with the emphasis of encouraging to  direct new arising. It can be presented any work on signal and image analysis that shows how real world applications can be solved by applying new ground breaking methods for signal and image analysis.

The aim of the conference is to bring together researchers from all over the world who deal with the automatic analysis of images and signals in medicine, biotechnology, System Biology, chemistry, biometry, drug discovery and information robots in order to discuss the recent status of the research and to direct further developments. Basic research papers as well as application papers are welcome.

Topics of interest include (but are not limited to):

  • Applications in Medicine, r/g/b Biotechnology, Food Industries and Dietetics, Biometry and Agriculture
  • Techniques and developments of signal and image producing procedures
  • Object matching and object tracking in microscopic and video microscopic images
  • 1D, 2D and 3D shape analysis and description
  • 1D, 2D and 3D feature extraction of texture, structure and location
  • Algorithms for 1D, 2D and 3D signal analysis and interpretation
  • Image segmentation algorithms
  • Parallelization of image analysis and interpretation algorithms
  • Semantic tagging of microscopic images
  • Applications in medicine, biotechnology, chemistry and others
  • Applications in crystallography
  • Applications in proteomics
  • Applications in 2D and 3D cell images analysis
  • Image Acquisition procedures for mass data analysis
  • Methods and solutions for biometrical systems (Face-, Iris and Fingerprint Recognition)
  • Recognition methods for moving objects (face, iris, body)
  • Methods for data encryption (e.g. crypotographic methods,


Papers will be submitted via online reviewing systems. Please submit the electronic version of your camera-ready paper through the conference management system (https://easychair.org/my/conference.cgi?welcome=1;conf=mda2019). If you have any problems with the system please do not hesitate to contact info@mda-signals.de.

Papers must be formatted in the Springer LNCS format. They should have at most 15 pages. Papers will be reviewed by the program committee. Accepted papers will appear in the proceedings book “Advances in Mass Data Analysis of Images and Signals in Medicine, Biotechnology, Chemistry and Food Industry” published by ibai-publishing Prof. Dr. Petra Perner. Extended versions of selected papers will be published in a special issue of an international journal after the conference.

More information here.