The pandemic continues, and the Computer Sciences Department will not be holding in-person graduation ceremonies this spring. (Here’s hoping for next year!) UW-Madison, however, is holding graduation ceremonies in person. See below for information.
Please share your graduation activities on social media, whatever form they take, with us and the university community as a whole by tagging your posts #UWCS2021. All CS platforms are @WisconsinCS.
Congratulations, CS Graduates!
UW Commencement May 8
We're excited that in-person commencement resumes this semester! Ceremonies will be held on May 8. See this page for details.

Welcome to alumni-hood!
Join the UW-Madison Alumni Association
Keep in touch with UW-Madison through the Wisconsin Alumni Association.

Get the CS Badger Bytes Newsletter and event invitations
We send out the Badger Bytes newsletter 3-4 times per year so you can keep up with what's going on in the department. We also very occasionally send out other email communication - invitations to alumni events in your area, for example.

Participate in CS social media
We're on social media! Follow us and post to our accounts on Twitter, Instagram, and Facebook - all @WisconsinCS. And join our LinkedIn group below.

Congratulations, undergraduates!

The undergraduate advisors gathered memories and thanks from the graduates and put together the slideshow you see below. Enjoy!