Operating Systems Quals

Three courses are offered in the area of operating systems. CS 537 introduces the subject, providing hands-on experience with building parts of operating systems in simple environments; there are several large programming assignments. CS 736 is an advanced course, often run as a seminar, which discusses a selection of advanced topics. This course often has a large project associated with it. CS 739 takes up where CS 736 leaves off. It covers distributed systems in greater depth, studying a wide variety of systems and examining issues such as replication, fault tolerance, load balancing, and security. The Ph.D. qualifying exam covers material in CS 537 and 736 and advanced material from CS 739.

Past exams


OS Qual F2018

Operating systems qual_Spring 2016

Operating systems qual_Fall 2017

OS qual_Spring 2017

OS 2018_07_25_18_03_52

OS f13

OS f14

OS s14
